Saturday, January 26, 2008

art things

Some things I found that should be seen:

-Stain a teacup
-wish jar
-all the billion other moments-- whoatherechief (I really want the print of this.)
-given the chance...-- futurowoman
-Last flight-- IvanFineart (Sad...)
-Busy-- vetal-vetal
-The Resurrection Stone-- TomScribble
-Godric's Hollow-- Gold-Seven (Finally, a unsexed version of hermione! Thank you, Mrs. Jenny!)
-Full color 01-- Firemane
-Nemo-- Nightwalk3r
-Marie Antoinette charm bracelet-- janedean
-Fox Ears: the fun-eral-- olafpriol
-Within-- Jynxx-Midnite
-Follow The Wind-- Sarachmet
-Insigt.-- kainwhite1
-momentum-- kidchan
-versa's profile.-- mythchan
-Jasmin w staniku-- justys
-children in paradise IV-- shel-yang
-Finneus Funk + The Mechano Man-- RYE-BREAD
-Screenie- Kids Arges + Virhos-- SiliceB (Because I am a sucker for Arges. *___*)
-De verpakking 2-- QESHER
-how do you approach a hooker?-- futurowoman
-Gwaihir- Lord of the Rings-- masiani
-The Lord of Rivendell-- peet
-without feelings...-- Lesta
-bant-mart-- sadidas
-Yeah Whales-- someweirdcrab (I want one...)
-as we're standing in the woods-- Basia- AlmostTheBrave
-moist-- wetnosebaby
-Vetch-- ladyofshalot
-HP- mess with reptiles-- LevyRasputin
-The Sleep of Reason-- Tin-Lizzy
-Tea Birds-- FlightlessMab
-Cocoon Troupe-- milky-toothy
-Grindylow-- ildi

Really need to get off. It's almost four a.m.

Sad. excluded. :(

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Name meanings:

Adrastos-- Greek "not inclined to run away;" name of a king of Argos in Greek legend-->Adrasteia-- fem. form of Adrastos; another name of the Greek goddess Nemesis-- Greek "retribution, righteous anger;" Greek goddess of vengeance & justice.

nemesis (noun)-- Latin, from Greek-- 1)capitalized: the Greek goddess of retributive justice 2)plural nemeses a)one that inflicts retribution or vengeance b)a formidable & usually victorious rival or opponent 3)plural nemeses a)an act or effect of retribution b)bane

Today is mom's birthday, so will finally be able to get out of the house. But won't be able to see anyone.

Risking sounding emo, but this kind of fits some things.

Demented little HP meme. Really can't draw Voldemort seriously. And when bored, go through other people's favorites. Really. Mine has probably over 100 pages.