Friday, October 30, 2009

October, you letdown.

This week has turned out to be bad in the way that a weekend won't remedy. And in varying degrees, as well: quietly as well as very noticably. And in ways that i don't know how they'll resolve, if at all.

Meanwhile, while at Barnes & Noble, saw a tall guy with the teeniest little coffee mug i think i've ever seen. Eee.

Kind of about that size & style.

And regular mugs:

And, lyrics that currently seem to fit how i feel at the moment, for the most part: these & these.

Friday, October 23, 2009


So apparently it'll be best if i drop the Jewelry class. My grades are apparently not so good, especially since i can't powdercoat the wire thing (it would make it into a color) because..... the thing broke. HAVE I YET MENTIONED THAT I SUCK AT WELDING? AND THAT I HATE IT?

Meanwhile, in an attempt to distract myself from frustration/anger/worry (yjsdvhfhbefvrguerhdaweubcwahdbewlrigbs): mugs. Mugs are awesome. I don't know why. They just are. If you don't believe me, you must be shown & convinced. (Hopefully none of these will be broken/taken down or i won't be roasted alive for direct linking? ehehehhhhh;;;;;)

Mustacheoed mugs, seriously.

Mug with legs.

Retro mugs

I wish i could buy these.

What's also awesome: Interiors like this.

Also, a good way to waste time (well, maybe not waste it) is to go around on people's Tumblrs or this site. I've ended up saving a bunch of pictures & spent way too much time online instead of doing anything else. :\\ Though did watch Prisoner of Azkaban last Friday & i want to watch it again already.

........damn it, i'm hungry. I think. Vacillating between hungry & nauseated; charming.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


And i can't design to save my life (which is not the best thing in Jewelry/Metals), & Google can be immensely unhelpful at a time like this, when all it manages to find are the most boring light fixtures ever made. But then it does sometimes manage to get a few good ones, ie:

what is this thing, anyways?


Actually, i think i like the busts more than anything else in the room.

I like the idea of dangly bits. I don't like the whole "encrusted with whatever that is" idea so much.

These are awesome

Something completely different!


why look where it is